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Creevy National School, Creevy, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal


2022/2023 School Year

15th Mar 2023
The children in Senior Infants grew watercress recently. They had to follow the instructions...
14th Mar 2023
Last Friday the boys and girls in Senior Infants had a very busy day! The whole...
14th Mar 2023
Last week, the children were very excited to hear that we had visitors from Inland...
8th Mar 2023
Second Class had great fun when Inland Fisheries came into the school with their...
8th Mar 2023
St.Brigid's Day, Valentine's Day and of course Pancake Tuesday were some of the events...
2nd Mar 2023
Second Class had great fun dressing up as their favourite book characters and talking...
2nd Mar 2023
We had a great day today celebrating World Book Day. Some children dressed up as...
21st Feb 2023
The children were so excited today as Chris and Marcus made us all lots of delicious...
15th Feb 2023
Some Valentine's Day and early spring artwork from Second Class
7th Feb 2023
The children enjoyed making mango and strawberry smoothies with Ms.Patton.